
Quicker Quickstart Example for 2.0

In PSRAW 2.0, the Connect-Reddit command was introduced to make getting up and running in PSRAW even easier. This is great for One-Off projects or just messing around on the console. It streamlines the entire OAuth Process to a single command. You still need to register a Script Application on Reddit before you can use PSRAW. Connect-Reddit will prompt you for the Client ID, Client Secret, Redirect URI, your Reddit Username, and Reddit Password. It will then take care of creating a RedditApplication and requesting an OAuth Token.

The following code will authenticate you and retrieve your reddit user details.

Import-Module PSRAW
irr https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty ContentObject
Export-RedditOAuthToken C:\PSRAW\MyApp.xml

The irr alias for Invoke-RedditRequest has been added to work similar to what irw does for Invoke-WebRequest. PSRAW now also sets a default OAuth access token for the duration of your PowerShell session so you no longer need to explicitly pass the access token. But, if you are working with multiple identities, you can still create/request them manually and pass them to the various commands that accept them.

With the above example you have exported your OAuth Access token to C:\PSRAW\MyApp.xml. Now you can import it in future sessions and skip the Connect-Reddit step.

Import-Module PSRAW
Import-RedditOAuthToken C:\PSRAW\MyApp.xml
irr https://oauth.reddit.com/api/v1/me |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty ContentObject

Import-RedditOAuthToken now sets the imported OAuth Token as the default token for the session. No need to worry about the stored OAuth Token being expired as Invoke-RedditRequest manages your OAuth toke lifecycle for you with every request you make to the API.

Traditional Quickstart Example

This example will demonstrate how to create a Script based Reddit app, authenticate it, and Retrieve your inbox messages.

Register a Script Application on Reddit

  1. Log into Reddit
  2. Navigate to https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/apps
  3. Click the create app or create another app button
  4. Enter a name (e.g. "(Reddit Username)'s PSRAW App")
  5. Choose the Script radio button
  6. Enter a description (e.g. "My first PSRAW App!")
  7. In the about url box enter
  8. In the redirect URI box enter
  9. Click the create app button

Registering a Reddit App

Th application has been registered. You will need to note your Client ID (Listed below the application's name), the Client Secret (Labeled as secret), and the redirect uri. These will be used to create the RedditApplication object in a later section. Keep your client secret safe. It should be treated like a password.

Registered App

Install and Import PSRAW

In a PowerShell console run the following

Install-Module -Name PSRAW -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module PSRAW


PSRAW requires PowerShell v5 or later.

Create and Export a RedditApplication

Run the following code. When creating $ClientCredential the username will bee your Client ID and the password will be your client secret. When creating the $UserCredential, the username and password will be your Reddit username and password. The $RedirectUri will be the same redirect URI configured when you registered the application.

You will need to modify $UserAgent to be in alignment with Reddit's API Rules.

$ClientCredential = Get-Credential
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$RedirectUri = ''
$AppExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyApp.xml'
$UserAgent = 'windows:markekraus-PSRAW:v0.0.0.1 (by /u/markekraus)'
$Params = @{
    Script           = $True
    Name             = "markekraus's PSRAW App"
    Description      = 'My first PSRAW App!'
    ClientCredential = $ClientCredential
    UserCredential   = $UserCredential
    RedirectUri      = $RedirectUri
    UserAgent        = $UserAgent
$RedditApp = New-RedditApplication @Params
$RedditApp | Export-RedditApplication -Path $AppExportPath


Exporting the application is optional. This will allow you to use the application again later in another script if you so require.

Request and Export and RedditOAuthToken

Now that we have an application defined, we need to authorize this application. Since we created this as a Script app, the app can be used to login as the developer who created the app using the Script grant flow. This will authenticated the app without prompting us to authorize the app in the GUI browser.

For more information about the available grant flows see Request-RedditOAuthToken.

$TokenExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyToken.xml'

$RedditApp | Request-RedditOAuthToken -Script
Export-RedditOAuthToken -Path $TokenExportPath


Exporting the Access Token is optional. This will allow you to import the token later in another script (especially an automated bot). You only have to perform the above step once. After you have a RedditOAuthToken it can be used repeatedly until you change your reddit password or the app is deleted from Reddit.

Retrieve Inbox Messages

Now that the application has been authorized and we have an Access Token, we can make authenticated calls to the Reddit API. The complete list of API Endpoints is available here.

$Uri = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/message/inbox'
$Response = Invoke-RedditRequest -Uri $Uri
$Messages = $response.ContentObject.data.children.data

The $Messages object will contain a collection of messages form your inbox. If you have a large inbox, this will only be a subset. You will need to make use of the Reddit API's listing pagination features to retrieve them all.


As this is the initial core functionality release, no wrapper functions have yet been added. Eventually a command such as Get-RedditInboxMessage will exist to make it easy to retrieve messages and will likely be returned as a collection of RedditMessage objects.

Full Code

Here is the complete code:

Install-Module -Name PSRAW -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module PSRAW

$ClientCredential = Get-Credential
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$RedirectUri = ''
$AppExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyApp.xml'
$UserAgent = 'windows:markekraus-PSRAW:v0.0.0.1 (by /u/markekraus)'

$Params = @{
    Script           = $True
    Name             = "markekraus's PSRAW App"
    Description      = 'My first PSRAW App!'
    ClientCredential = $ClientCredential
    UserCredential   = $UserCredential
    RedirectUri      = $RedirectUri
    UserAgent        = $UserAgent
$RedditApp = New-RedditApplication @Params
$RedditApp | Export-RedditApplication -Path $AppExportPath

$TokenExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyToken.xml'

$RedditApp | Request-RedditOAuthToken -Script
Export-RedditOAuthToken -Path $TokenExportPath

$Uri = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/message/inbox'
$Response = Invoke-RedditRequest -Uri $Uri
$Messages = $response.ContentObject.data.children.data