Project News

August 2017

PSRAW 2.0 - PowerShell Core Compatibility Refactor

Many Many changes have been made to the module to make it compatible with PowerShell Core. The 2.0 release is a major version and many breaking changes will be introduced. Chief among them are the removal of the Code and Implicit grant flows. These grant flows required a GUI and GUI is not possible in PowerShell Core. In the future we will investigate bringing these grant flows back through CLI means. The current estimates for doing so would set this project back even further. We would rather provide the "Base" functionality release before tackling the additional grant flows. For most use cases for this module, the Script grant flow should be sufficient.

With 2.0, PSRAW is now fully compatible with PowerShell Core and 6.0.0 (tested on 6.0.0-beta.5). However, it is still not cross-platform compatible and will only work on Windows. Currently, PowerShell Core on other platforms lacks support for SecureStrings which PSRAW makes extensive use of for in-memory and at rest secrets (such as your Reddit Password). The PowerShell team is targeting 6.1 for inclusion/replacement of SecureStrings on Linux. If there is enough demand or if the PowerShell team's goal post shifts too far into the future, we will investigate rolling our own cross-platform solution.

Besides default OAuth Tokens and Connect-Reddit, this release will not add any additional functionality for users. Most of the changes are taking place "under the hood". The underlying class structures for upcoming functionality (such as retrieving comments) are being added but with no current functionality. If you begin using these classes in your projects please note that their shape and functionality may change dramatically in coming minor versions.

Connect-Reddit Command

A new streamlined way of getting up and running with PSRAW has been added. The Connect-Reddit command simplifies and consolidates the steps needed to begin accessing the API. You can either run it without any parameters to get interactive prompts to enter the required information, or you can pass the client credentials, user credentials, and redirect URI as parameters and be prompted for only what is missing. Connect-Reddit will then use that information to create a default RedditApplication and request a RedditOAuthToken.

Default OAuth Access Token

Having to manually pass the OAuth token around was repetitive and painful, especially when working in the console. Connect-Reddit, Import-RedditOAuthToken, Update-RedditOAuthToken (with the -SetDeafult parameter), and Set-RedditDefaultOAuthToken can now all be used to set the default OAuth token for your session. To see the current Default OAuth Token you can use Get-RedditDefaultOAuthToken. All commands that accept an -AccessToken parameter ar now no longer mandatory and will use the Default Token if one is not provided. This allows you to continue using multiple identities via multiple RedditOAuthToken objects while still making it easier to use PSRAW with a single identity.

May 2017

Core Functionality Milestone Reached!

Release of version brings all the core functionality of PSRAW to production quality. This includes all core functionalities such as OAuth Grant flows for all Grant Flows supported by Reddit, Access Token lifecycle management for all Grant Flows, application & token import/export, and Authenticated API access. All the pieces are now available to begin development on the wrapper functions and Reddit based classes.

This release does not include any wrapper functions. Future releases will include functions and classes which will make it easier to query, submit, and manage data on Reddit through the API. For this release, what is provided is an easy means to make authenticated calls to the API. This done through an Invoke-WebRequest-like function Invoke-RedditRequest. It handles automatic Rate Limit monitoring & remediation as well as Access Token lifecycle management. You create your application once and request an OAuth Access Token with Request-RedditOAuthToken once, and then Invoke-RedditRequest will handle the rest with each API call.

Need to use the Access Token in another script or in the same script later in a different (or unattended) session? Export-RedditOAuthToken and Import-RedditOAuthToken provide an effortless and secure means to do so.

This is the "core" of this module. From here it is now possible for us to build all the wrapper functions and classes to make the Reddit API PowerShell-friendly. The next minor version release will be the "Base" functionality release. This will include functions and classes to create, delete, read, and reply to subreddit posts, private messages, and comments.

Between this release and the base functionality release, new features will be added in a backwards compatible way. My hope is that there will be no breaking changes. I believe the core code is in a flexible enough position to achieve that. If there are breaking changes introduced, they will be announced here. In any case, if you plan to include this in production code, v1.1.0.0 should be stable but I would caution against automatic upgrades until v1.2.0.0.